Told myself I would make a blog.

What did I get myself into? I suck at disciplining myself to keep up with something consistently but as I am in this strange time in my life, I realized God is speaking to me and I don’t want to forget lesson’s I’ve learned.

Recently this year, I realized I have forgotten so many things that it blows my mind. Whether its from inside jokes that I use to have with friends to huge events such as praying with someone to accept Christ, I get so busy looking at what’s in front of me that I often forget what God has done.

So here are my reasons for trying to blog.

1. It requires discipline.

I am trying to keep up with something and to be disciplined in setting time out of my day to reflect.

2. Its reflective.

We so often get caught up with our lives that we don’t get to just sit back and look at the big picture.

3. I can go back and see what I learned.

I mentioned that I forget a lot of things and if you know me, you know that this is very true! ( Sorry for all the tardiness to meetups!)

Hopefully I can stick to this!

Things you can expect on this blog is cool things i’ve learned, prayers, and just my thoughts.



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