The Jacob Generation and Why I Set a Weight Requirement to Date!

Sorry! I been trying to write a post for a while but I just couldn’t get it right.  But here it is!

A few days ago I was thinking about relationships and how Jacob had to work for his wife, Rachel. I saw a lot of similarities between our current generation and Jacob. He was pretty lazy. He used whatever gimmicks and tricks he had to get what he wanted. He lived an easy life and took shortcuts. I think back than, he was in the minority but today it’s the mass majority.

Not that none of us worked hard for what we have but the mindset of what’s the easiest way to get something. He was like that until he met Rachel. She was his true love and for the first time in his life, he had to work. He worked 7 years for a chance to marry her just to get tricked into marrying her older sister. So he had to work another 7 years for Rachel. He endured and took no shortcuts with that.

This story stood out to me because I think many of us have that mindset as Christians, that I need to be okay with being single and maybe if I’m okay with that, God will bring me someone.

I think that’s the possible overall outline but we consistently forget we need to work and put effort to become the person our future spouses will marry and effort to love on that person. It’s the honest to goodness outline but I think many people look at it as a shortcut.

“How can I be okay with being single the fastest”

It’s not really about that and subconsciously on a deep level I think we kind of think that.

This is why I set a work requirement for my time to start dating again. I need to work and reach a goal before I can date again. Something I can put effort into and build my discipline.

I don’t want to take the easiest way, I want to take the most beneficial way.

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